Shoulder Pain

Definition: Pain referred to the shoulder is very common in the general population, particularly among the elderly. After back pain, it is the second most common acute musculoskeletal complaint in…

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Bodyaches & Pains

Synonyms: “Hurts all over,” widespread pain. Definition: The evaluation of patients with widespread arthralgias and/or myalgias can be a challenge because many disorders may manifest these protean symptoms. Widespread pain…

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Neck Pain

Definition: Neck pain is a relatively common complaint, affecting approximately one-third of the population at some time in their lives. Anatomic Considerations: Neck pain can derive from several structures within…

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Knee Pain

Definition: The knee joint is the largest and most frequently affected peripheral joint. This primarily relates to its importance in ambulation and weight bearing and its numerous supportive periarticular structures.…

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Hip Pain

Definition: Hip pain is one of the most often misdiagnosed joint complaints, primarily because of the public misconception that the hip is located in either the gluteal or trochanteric region.…

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Hand & Wrist Pain

Definition: Disorders of the wrist and hand are a common cause of medical consultation. Pain, swelling, dysfunction, orstructural abnormalities may incite such an evaluation. Anatomic Considerations: Sources of pain and swelling…

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