The 9 Muses are daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, Greek goddesses personifying the inspiration for the sciences and the arts.
My highly opinionated news-blog draws inspiration from both the science and the art of Rheumatology.

Chikungunya Arthritis

Rheumatic Manifestations Following Chikungunya Infection In the Makonde language, “Chikungunya” translates to “that which bends up”, descriptive of the twisted… Chikungunya arthritis symptoms reduced with immuno-modulatory drugs A mouse…

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Deep Learning

Google Deep Learning system diagnoses cancer better than a pathologist with unlimited time It’s hard to think of a job more important that determining whether or not a patient has…

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Deep Sequencing

Metagenomic Deep Sequencing for Uveitis Enhances Traditional Diagnostic Testing Throughout their training and practice,… What if, one day, we find that all autoimmune diseases are due to infections by…

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