Dysbiosis & Cancer
The microbiome and cancer Microbiota and host form a complex ‘super-organism’ in which symbiotic relationships confer benefits to the host in many key aspects of life. However, defects in the…
The 9 Muses are daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, Greek goddesses personifying the inspiration for the sciences and the arts.
My highly opinionated news-blog draws inspiration from both the science and the art of Rheumatology.
The microbiome and cancer Microbiota and host form a complex ‘super-organism’ in which symbiotic relationships confer benefits to the host in many key aspects of life. However, defects in the…
Crohn's Arthritis Linked to E. Coli Infection Articular manifestations of Crohn's disease affects a significant number of patients with either… rheumnow.com Research uncovers bacteria linking Crohn's disease to arthritis Patients…
Prebiotics, Probiotics and Pediatric Allergic Diseases The role of microbioma is more and more recognized as fundamental for the developement of the immunitary system. Professor Alessandro Fiocchi (Rome, Italy) talks…
Microbial Dysbiosis in Common Variable Immune Deficiencies: Evidence, Causes, and Consequences Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is an immune disorder that not only causes increased susceptibility to infection, but also to…
Vaccination for people with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases Introduction Vaccinations are a way of preventing… promotions.bmj.com Shingles vaccine deemed effective in people with autoimmune disease Older adults with an autoimmune…
Rheumatic Manifestations Following Chikungunya Infection In the Makonde language, “Chikungunya” translates to “that which bends up”, descriptive of the twisted… rheumnow.com Chikungunya arthritis symptoms reduced with immuno-modulatory drugs A mouse…
Google Deep Learning system diagnoses cancer better than a pathologist with unlimited time It’s hard to think of a job more important that determining whether or not a patient has…
Metagenomic Deep Sequencing for Uveitis Enhances Traditional Diagnostic Testing Throughout their training and practice,… the-rheumatologist.org What if, one day, we find that all autoimmune diseases are due to infections by…
The patient perspective on absence of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis: A survey to identify key domains of patient perceived remission (2015) The patient perspective on absence of disease activity…
The Value of Patient Reported Outcome Measures of Rheumatoid Arthritis Are patient reported outcome measures useful for Rheumatoid Arthritis? Unfortunately, pain is invisible. I’ve fantasized that it should have a…