The 9 Muses are daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, Greek goddesses personifying the inspiration for the sciences and the arts.
My highly opinionated news-blog draws inspiration from both the science and the art of Rheumatology.


Bone Bruising and Bone Marrow Edema Syndromes Bone Bruising and Bone Marrow Edema Syndromes: Incidental Radiological Findings or Harbingers of… Primary bone marrow oedema syndromes MRI scanning in patients with…

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Reducing progression of knee OA features assessed by MRI in overweight and obese women Sorry, folks, it's all downhill from here. Two and a half years of dieting, exercise…

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Sjogren's Syndrome

ACR: First U.S. clinical practice guidelines arise for Sjögren’s syndrome management SAN FRANCISCO – Rituximab is, for now, the first-line option for Sjögren’s syndrome patients with systemic symptoms severe enough…

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A Few Good Meds #4: RITUXIMAB   Rituximab (trade names Rituxan, MabThera and Zytux) is a chimeric monoclonal antibody against the protein CD20, which is primarily found on the……

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A Few Good Meds #3: TOFACITINIB It's the NEW STEROID: 1) broadly targeting most pro-inflammatory cytokines (except TNF & IL1); 2) short-acting (fast washout in the event of side-effects); 3)…

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A Few Good Meds #2: HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may have symptom improvements with hydroxychloroquine treatment, which may also reduce cardiovascular risks associated with the disease,…

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A Few Good Meds #1: METFORMIN in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus A 3-month treatment with Metformin in newly diagnosed Type-2 Diabetics (T2DM) demonstrated an association with improved glucose control (HbA1c)…

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Neuroimmunology: Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is an acquired demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. It is the second most common cause of disability in adults in United States after…

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