Sjogren's Syndrome

One Year in Review 2016: Sjogren’s Syndrome

Possibly the most common autoimmune disease, but way under-reported as its most common manifestations of dry eyes, dry mouth and fatigue are commonly dismissed.
It can also cause rashes, lymph node swelling and arthritis, and affect blood counts, kidneys and lungs. In extreme cases, lymphoma may intervene.
Often, it plays second fiddle to more notable autoimmune diseases like Lupus, RA and Scleroderma. It’s then called “secondary Sjögren’s”.
It is a disease characterised by overproduction of autoantibodies. Its main targets of attack are exocrine glands producing saliva, tears, digestive juices, etc.
Where treatment is concerned, big guns like Rituximab (B cell depletion) are best reserved for major organ involvement or pseudolymphoma. It’s not worth sweating the small stuff like dryness and fatigue: use topicals (eyedrops/gel, mouth gel, skin moisturizers, lubricants), and get a grip.
BTW, even after drastic measures like chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant to treat a cancer, Sjögren’s often comes back. Its perpetrators survive as long lived plasma cells. Bortezomib (to treat multiple myeloma) may hold some hope.

Rituximab Effectiveness and Safety for Treating Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (pSS): Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Background Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (pSS) is a systemic autoimmune disease that involves the…

Seems to me that, if your primary concern is to treat fatigue, dry eyes and dry mouth in Sjogren’s Syndrome, don’t waste your money with Rituximab.