The idea of quality care for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) often varies among the patient, clinician, and…
Patients will get what the patients want. Patient reported outcomes (PROs) are increasingly recognised to be more important and relevant in T2T strategies, and rightly so.
It’s time to progress from precision and predictive medicine, to personalised and participatory medicine.

Targeted treatment does not address RA patients’ mental health

BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND – Reducing levels of joint pain and inflammation did not appreciably improve mental well-being.

We may need to target a much deeper remission in order to address the functional and psychosocial issues that plague patients, beyond pain control and joint damage prevention.

Study Finds No Outcome Boost with Treat-2-Target for RA

Usual care achieved comparable low disease activity
Treat-to-Target: No Link to RA Treatment Acceleration

Has T2T failed our patients? No, patients who resist therapy intensification when clinically indicated fail themselves. Like it’s said, “You can drag a horse to the water, but you cannot make it drink.”