Supervised High-Intensity Resistance and Impact Training (HiRIT) Is Safe, Effective for Older Women at Risk for Fracture

By Chris Berrie…

Alterations in the Microbiome Are Associated with Changes in Bone Quality

By treating mice with antibiotics, researchers found that alterations in the gut microbiome impaired the mechanical properties of bone and depleted splenic…

The association between the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), osteoporosis (OP) and OP-related fragility fractures has been a topic of ongoing discussion…

Proton-pump inhibitor use has been linked to Osteoporosis, but a causal relationship has not been proven. Based on such and other potential side-effects concerns, the current conventional wisdom advises PPI usage to be limited to the shortest duration necessary.

This study suggesting a post-hip fracture mortality rate reduction with PPI use certainly flies in the face of conventional wisdom. Perhaps appropriate PPI use post-fracture reduces stress ulceration and related complications. Judicious use is therefore recommended.