New Scleroderma Treatments

faSScinate Study Shows Tocilizumab to be Effective in Systemic Sclerosis

The results of the faSScinate trial were published in Lancet showing that treatment with Actemra (tocilizumab) resulted in a reduction in skin thickness and an improvement in lung function in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc).

Systemic Sclerosis Responds to Actemra in Early Trial

Phase III study in the works

Fresolimumab (anti-TGF beta) Improves Systemic Sclerosis

Transforming growth factor (TGF-β) is known to have potent profibrotic activity and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis a futile condition with no effective disease modifying treatments. The role of TGF-β in SSc, was put to the test in a trial of 15 SSc patients (with a mea…

Systemic Sclerosis Stem Cell Transplant Risky but Promising

The long-term promise, but early risk, for autologous HSCT for patients with severe systemic sclerosis has been confirmed, as well as the importance of thorough…