A study published in the British Medical Journal examines whether knee surgery or conservative medical management benefits those with degenerative meniscal…
For degenerative meniscal tears in the knees, exercise therapy matches arthroscopic repair on all outcomes of pain, function and quality of life. Strength training outmuscles surgery on muscular strength gain in the immediate term.
Exercise therapy versus arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for degenerative meniscal tear in middle aged patients: randomised controlled trial with two year follow-up

Adults with knee osteoarthritis and at least one comorbid condition significantly improved their…
rheumatologynews.com|By HEIDI SPLETE
Contrary to popular misconception, exercise does not lead to, nor necessarily aggravate, knee osteoarthritis. Exercise is instead beneficial, but must be carefully selected and calibrated for the individual patient. You need professional help on this.