Homogenized cartilage promotes urate nucleation, possibly explaining predilection of crystallisation on cartilage.
However, the case for osteoarthritic cartilage being a better template to promote nucleation is not convincing: homogenized cartilage, healthy or diseased, hardly constitutes native cartilage.
However, the case for osteoarthritic cartilage being a better template to promote nucleation is not convincing: homogenized cartilage, healthy or diseased, hardly constitutes native cartilage.
Monosodium Urate Monohydrate Crystal Deposits Are Common in Asymptomatic Sons of Patients With Gout: The Sons of Gout Study
Arthritis & Rheumatology Volume 0, Issue 0 Brief Report Open Access…
Gout Crystal Deposition is Deeper than its Measures
Palpable tophi are just the tip of the iceberg.
Gout incidence is intertwined with serum urate, but only up to a point

SAN DIEGO – An analysis’ findings “[support] a role for additional factors in the pathogenesis of gout,” according to Nicola Dalbeth, MD.
This randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial of early gout (2 or less flares) over 2 years, with attempted treat-to-target of sUA<6mg%, showed Febuxostat to be effective in achieving target sUA, reducing flare rates (evident from 6 months onwards), and MRI-evident synovitis compared to placebo.
However, the Xray-evident erosion progression rates did not differ after 2 years. But that’s hardly as disappointing as the title suggests (“fails to protect from Xray damage”): erosion progression was miniscule in both groups (increase in total modified Sharp score of hands and feet of both groups average <0.2, SD <2).
However, the Xray-evident erosion progression rates did not differ after 2 years. But that’s hardly as disappointing as the title suggests (“fails to protect from Xray damage”): erosion progression was miniscule in both groups (increase in total modified Sharp score of hands and feet of both groups average <0.2, SD <2).