One year in review; Authors: Gulen Hatemi, Emire Seyahi, Izzet Fresko, Rosaria Talarico, Vedat Hamuryudan
Being in an endemic area, I would routinely screen for Tuberculosis, these days with IGRA (Quantiferon or T-Spot). Recurrent oral ulcers can be a TH1 response to mycobacteria.
Recurrent oral ulcerations may be a feature of Crohn’s Disease too. I would check stool calprotectin, stool occult blood, and serum ASCA.
A confluence of positive results, especially if accomp
There’s also intestinal Behçet’s. Perhaps Crohn’s and Behçet’s are overlapping phenotypes of a particular immune response.
COPENHAGEN – An ultrasmall yet highly potent single-chain antibody fragment directed against…|By BRUCE JANCIN
Cheifetz reviews the diagnosis and management of Crohn disease, including discussion of newer treatments and goals of care.