YES: Your Exercise Solution. This is a useful app from Arthritis Foundation for DIY exercise prescription. There are exercises just right for you depending on your problem joint and your fave sports.

As exercises go, running is probably the most accessible and cheapest. No gym membership or special skills required. It’s probably the most effective for weight loss too. Any other benefit comes as a bonus.

You have probably come across this article umpteenth times, but it’s like preaching to the converted. If you’re not into it, this article will not change your mind. For those who dig running, this is nice to know.

If you need further convincing that running is good for you, this article (and the next) is not for you. It’s manuscript for the choir.
Motion control shoes help to protect runners, especially over-pronators, from injury.

If you go barefoot, then running is as close to accessories-free as any sport can get.
While structured shoes provide protection, minimal shoes strengthen the feet. Take your pick: dainty or hunky feet?
Is It Harmful To Heel Strike When Running?

C’mon, guys, you don’t need research to tell you how to run (perhaps you ain’t running enough? Reference earlier brain health article).
Just run instinctively. Your body figured that out long ago.