If the effects of exercise could be put in a pill and prescribed, it would be rightly hailed as an almost miraculous cure. So get off the couch.
nytimes.com|By Aaron E. Carroll

If there’s ever going to be a miracle cure for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, this is it!

Exercise Therapy May Take the ‘Tired’ Out of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A recent review has expanded the current thinking about the benefits of exercise therapy for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Study participants experienced…
the-rheumatologist.org|By Lara C. Pullen, PhD

People need to do five times the exercise recommended by the World Health Organisation to stay healthy, a Queensland study finds.

If you’ve been exercising at least 1.5 hours weekly as recommended by WHO, and wonder why you don’t seem to be reaping the health benefits, it’s because you need to step things up 5-fold! That’s at least an hour each day every day of swim/bike/run!