While it is highly desirable to avoid medications during conception and pregnancy, statistics show that >90% of women take at least one drug during pregnancy and…
Data provide some reassurance for clinicians who are concerned that their patients need to be treated with…
Steroids, DMARDs and Biologics have Same Low Risk of Infection During Pregnancy

Pregnancy imposes a potential risk for infection. This…
While the risk is reassuringly low among steroid, anti-TNF and immunosuppressive DMARD users, high dose steroid is a standout risk.
There is no increased risk of preterm delivery or intrauterine growth restriction associated with biologic usage during pregnancy. Control of rheumatic disease activity is paramount for optimal outcomes.
While there are several reports detailing…
Study offers reassuring data on certolizumab use in pregnancy
VIENNA – Consider off-label certolizumab in women with psoriasis who need a biologic and are pregnant or planning to become so.
Stopping TNF inhibitors for pregnancy may invite flares
Prospective study of 75 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 61 with axial spondyloarthritis also looked at response after resuming TNF inhibitors.