Uveitis in juvenile idiopathic arthritis may be preventable

MAUI, HAWAII – Uveitis is a common, highly destructive manifestation of juvenile idiopathic arthritis that is readily treatable when caught early, Dr. Anne…
Uveitis can affect kids too! This is especially so for those suffering from Juvenile Inflammatory Arthritis, of the oligoarthritis variety that is ANA positive.
Treatment of the JIA with Methotrexate and anti-TNF (eg Adalimumab) can reduce the risk of Uveitis developing, with the combination reducing risk by an impressive 90%.
For the small minority who fail to respond to this combination, Tocilizumab may work. Case reports suggest Abatacept or Rituximab are also options.
Second-line tocilizumab seen as effective in patients with JIA-associated uveitis
Tocilizumab therapy was effective in patients with severe juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated uveitis…