Combination therapy involving chondroitin sulfate…
rheumatologynews.com|By DEEPAK CHITNIS
Glucosamine and Chondroitin combination was no better than placebo for pain reduction in OA knee.
Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a key modulator of pain…
While inhibition of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) afforded excellent pain relief in OA knee, it accelerated the cartilage damage in rat experiments, and seemed to hasten the need for total knee replacement in some patients.
Possibly, the loss of pain and proprioception sensation will aggravate the cartilage damage.
Pain has its reasons.
You win some, you lose some.
Scientists may have discovered the ‘perfect’ painkiller

Scientists believe they may have found a new form of painkiller that works just as well as morphine but lacks its potentially lethal side effect and is not addictive. A team that included Nobel Prize-winning chemist Professor Brian Kobilka, of…