Jogging and Osteoarthritis: Separating Myth from Reality
Is it OK to run with knee pain? Is it a harbinger of osteoarthritis? In this slideshow, we feature some of the latest studies on knee osteoarthritis with findings that may…
Is Running Good or Bad for Your Knees?
Running has a reputation for causing wear and tear on knees over time, leading to joint pain, arthritis or other injuries. But a recent small…
Running actually lowers inflammation in knee joints
We all know that running causes a bit of inflammation and soreness, and that’s just the price you pay for cardiovascular health. You know; no pain, no gain.
Is There an Association Between a History of Running and Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis? A Cross‐Sectional Study From the Osteoarthritis Initiative
The Validity and Reliability of an iPhone App for Measuring Running Mechanics
The purpose of this investigation was to analyze the validity of an iPhone application (Runmatic) for measuring running mechanics. To do this, 96 steps from 12 different runs at speeds ranging from 2.77-5.55 m·s-1 were recorded simultaneously with Runmatic as well as with an opto-electronic device i…