Predictors of remission with etanercept-methotrexate induction therapy and loss of remission with etanercept maintenance, reduction, or withdrawal in moderately active rheumatoid arthritis: results of the PRESERVE trial
1) younger age
2) lower BMI
3) less severe disease
3) better functional status.
‘Real-world’ study finds treat-to-target benefits out to 5 years
The benefits of a treat-to-clinical-remission-target strategy in the retardation of radiographic joint damage and the improvement of patient reported outcomes have been amply demonstrated in various clinical trials, especially those employing targeted therapies like biologics, whether front-loaded or in step-up combination.
However, this real-world study, which includes patients with comorbidities and a wide range of disease activity, affirms the success of the T2T strategy in the broad base of “real” patients we encounter daily in clinical practice. It also mirrors common clinical practice of tapering treatment when the condition improves, and escalating therapy when the disease flares.
Despite such convincing evidence, T2T is far from being universally adopted.