
The drug molecular weight is 510 dalton, it is manufactured via a 4-step chemical synthesis (up-scaled to a semi-commercial level) and it’s half life time is 9 hours.

Can-Fite: Ready to Start Two Phase III Trials in 2017

On Feb. 8, 2017, Can-Fite (CANF) announced through a news release that the Company is ready to commence patient enrollment in the 2Q17 in its global Phase III trial of its lead drug candidate Piclidenoson (CF101) as a first line treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The EMA suggested Piclidenoson

Piclidenoson (CF101) is an oral small molecule which interferes with the intracellular signalling of certain pro-inflammatory cytokines, including TNF and IL1. If it works and is safe, it would be a good complement to the JAK inhibitors, which do not interfere with signal transduction of TNF and IL1.

In current clinical trials, it is pitched as a potential substitution for MTX. It may well substitute for TNF and IL1 inhibitors instead.