The Patellofemoral Compartment: Making Sense of It

One of the goals of the new AJO is to offer solutions to common problems we face as orthopedists. With that in mind, this issue tackles the patellofemoral joint…
Patellofemoral Pain: An Enigma Explained by Homeostasis and Common Sense

We present a rational, scientific, low-risk approach to patellofemoral pain (anterior knee pain) based on an…
A Practical Guide to Understanding and Treating Patellofemoral Pain
There is no shortcut to accurate diagnosis in the patellofemoral pain patient. Most important in…
The Diagnosis and Initial Treatment of Patellofemoral Disorders

Our purpose is to provide simple guidelines for the diagnosis and early care of patellofemoral disorders. Any clinician who treats knee problems, including…
Treatment Options for Patellar Tendinopathy: A Systematic Review
To compare the efficacy of common invasive and noninvasive patellar tendinopathy (PT) treatment strategies.
Clinical Rehabilitation of Anterior Knee Pain: Current Concepts
Rehabilitation is the hallmark of the nonoperative treatment of anterior knee pain (AKP). Whether…