The Anti-Mullerian Hormone is often measured in fertility circles as a gauge of ovarian reserves. This study suggests that it may also serve as a biomarker of “rapid bone losers” in pre-menopausal women, from as early as 10 years before ovarian function ceases completely (menopause).
A yearly rapidly falling AMH can signal for earlier and more intensive screening for Osteoporosis (eg bone mass density, bone turnover markers) even before menopause, and perhaps initiating treatment earlier.
Whether earlier intervention in such “rapid bone losers” necessarily translates to future fragility fracture prevention/reduction is the logical next research question to be answered.

Only the Denosumab-Teriparatide combo has been shown to be effective in achieving superior bone mass density gains in the severely osteoporotic. Combination of Teriparatide (a bone former) with a Bisphosphonate (an anti-resorptive like Denosumab) is not better than monotherapy.
A retrospective analysis of nonresponse to daily teriparatide treatment

Just 1 stem cell injection reverses bone loss in mice – Futurity