Higher C-Reactive Protein Levels Signal Need for Early Intervention in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis

An observational study of psoriatic arthritis patients indicated that initial levels of C-reactive protein are…hcplive.com|By Andrew Smith

By and large, by the time systemic inflammatory markers like CRP and ESR are elevated, the inflammation is pretty intense.  One utility of this is to identify those who are likely to respond poorly to “standard of care” DMARDs, so as to escalate early to biologic therapy.

Objective To investigate the association between clinical and ultrasonographic (US) evidence of inflammation in psoriatic arthritis (PsA), as well as to compare clinical and US remission criteria.

Ultrasound’s role in detecting enthesitis in psoriatic arthritis remains debatable

MIAMI – Ultrasound-detected enthesitis was associated with both destructive and bone formation lesions on radiography of peripheral and axial joints in a study of…
rheumatologynews.com|By DAMIAN MCNAMARA