Four Symptoms Distinguish Septic Arthritis From Lyme Disease in Children With Knee Effusion
ROSEMONT, Ill — May 12, 2016 — A study published in the May 4 issue of the Journal of Bone and Joint…

In the last two years there have been increasing reports of mosquito-borne infectious arthritides. Dengue fever was best known until the introduction of viral…
Zika, Chikungunya and Dengue. All 3 sharing the same mosquito vector: Aedes egypti. All 3 manifesting with fever, myalgia, arthritis/arthralgia and rashes. Thus it may mimic the onset of autoimmune arthritis like Rheumatoid Arthritis or Lupus even.
Yes, you can score a hat-trick with all 3, through the same mosquito or several biting you at about the same time.
TB Management Questions
The following is a compilation of several frequently asked questions regarding tuberculosis (TB) testing or treatment in patients on a TNF inhibitor (TNFi) or…