Original Sin—Researchers Look for Infectious Triggers of Rheumatic Disease & Best Options to Block the Process
SAN FRANCISCO—Two hundred years ago, physicians knew nothing about what caused various forms of arthritis. Today, we have more clues about what may…
www.the-rheumatologist.org|By Susan Bernstein
Preventing Hepatitis B Reactivation Due to Immunosuppressive Drug Treatments

Reactivation of hepatitis B virus infection can have devastating consequences, especially amongst those patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy.
Don’t give pneumococcal vaccine to CAPS and Behçet’s patients

SAN FRANCISCO – Pneumococcal vaccines can trigger severe local and systemic inflammatory reactions in patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes…
www.copd-hub.com|By M. ALEXANDER OTTO
There is a postulation that the NLPR3 inflammasome is “overheated” by the pneumococcal vaccine in CAPS patients (A&R Jan 2016)
Enteric Glial Cells: New Frontier in Neurogastroenterology and Clinical Target for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

The word “glia” is derived from the Greek word “γλοια,” glue of the enteric nervous system, and for many years, enteric glial cells (EGCs) were believed to provide…
The Microbiota, Mucosal Immunity & Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: did the butler do it?