Professor Aida Babaeva compared cardiovascular effects of immunotherapy plus standard treatments to those evident with the standard treatment alone,…|By Ryan Black

RA patients have double the risk for developing cardiovascular diseases, much like diabetics do. This is attributable to chronic vascular inflammation.
Corticosteroids reduce inflammation, but chronic use of moderate to high doses is associated with increased metabolic side-effects like Osteoporosis and heart disease too.
It’s heartening that anti-TNF and anti-IFNƔ therapy can not only effectively substitute for steroids, but also reduce cardiovascular events by almost two-thirds.

Immunotherapy reduces cardiovascular risk in rheumatoid arthritis

Florence, Italy – 9 July 2016: Immunotherapy reduces cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, according to research presented today at Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology (FCVB) 2016 by Professor Aida Babaeva, head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Volgograd State Medical Uni…

Since the introduction of TNF inhibitors nearly 20 years ago, concerns over a potential associated cancer risk have abounded. The recent ACR RA treatment guidelines have addressed this recently, stating that patients with any solid tumor cancer or risk thereof should be treated as if they had no suc…

The very name TNF (Tumour Necrosis Factor) conjures up fears that its inhibition to suppress inflammatory diseases may reduce cancer surveillance, resulting in heightened malignancy risk.
Registries of its use over the last 2 decades have shown that solid tumours are not increased. In this Taiwanese study, in fact, the risk is lower.

Lymphoma Risk Stable With Anti-TNF in RA

Disease activity is the primary driver for lymphoma, researchers say

Severe, Refractory Psoriasis in HIV-Positive Patients: Are TNF Inhibitors a Solution? 

Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are more prevalent, often more severe, and sometimes refractory to conventional treatments in HIV-positive patients, but clinicians are understandably concerned about moving on to immunosuppressive anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) agents when other treatments fail.

Serious Infections are Not Increased in HIV Patients Treated with TNF Inhibitors

Infections are a concern for many when using tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitor (TNFi) therapy to treat inflammatory disorders. Even more so in those at higher risk.