The Use of IL-1 Receptor Antagonist (Anakinra) in Idiopathic Recurrent Pericarditis: A Narrative Review

Cardiology Research and Practice is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research…|By Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Canakinumab Yields Genetic and Disease Modifying Effects in TRAPS Patients

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) is an autosomal-dominant autoinflammatory disease resulting from mutations of the TNF super family receptor 1A (TNFRSF1A) gene.

Ilaris Gets FDA Approval for Rare Febrile Disorders

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved three new indications for canakinumab (Ilaris). The drug was previously approved for use in systemic JIA…