Weight Loss Does Not Protect OA Knees

A new study presented at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) shows that obese people with substantial weight loss may significantly slow down the rate…

This Weight-Loss Strategy May Not Help Your Knees

Weight loss from dieting can slow the progression of knee arthritis in overweight people, according to a new study.

Weight loss through exercise alone does not protect knees

Obese people who lose a substantial amount of weight…

While weight loss through whatever means might have helped knee OA patients symptomatically (from other studies, not this radiological one), weight loss through exercise alone made no difference to slowing the cartilage degeneration compared to losing no weight at all).
Weight loss through diet, with or without exercise, was what it took to slow disease progression.
Structurally speaking, just diet and don’t sweat it.  Truth be told, for now at least.

What Role Does the Gut Microbiome Have in Osteoarthritis, Joint Pain?

Image result for gut microbiome and obesity

By Denise Baez…

Streptococcus appeared to be associated with more pain and worse knee OA, independent of body mass index.

How bariatric surgery improves knee osteoarthritis

Image result for bariatric surgery for knee

LAS VEGAS – The mechanism probably isn’t what you think.

Most knee pain relief occurred in the first month post-surgery, correlating with the drastic drop in leptin, a pro-inflammatory adipokine (produced by fat cell).  This occurs well before any significant weight loss has even started.
Weight loss declined steadily in the first year before levelling off, corresponding to the rate of reduction of other pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL6 and IL1RA.
While it is known that fat cells enumerate pro-inflammatory adipokines which in turn drive pro-inflammatory cytokines; leptin may, in particular, drive knee OA pain.  And something altered in the gastrointestinal tract by bariatric surgery (mainly bypass and sleeve gastrectomy), rather than weight loss, is responsible for this precipitous leptin crash.  Alternations in the microbiome is suspect here.