Gout Patients Face a Higher Risk for Advanced Kidney Disease

Gout patients who successfully respond to urate lowering therapy have higher rates of chronic kidney…

Uric acid, gout and kidney disease: The chicken or the egg?

The increasing prevalence of both gout and chronic kidney disease has led to a growing interest in the association between hyperuricemia (an abnormally high level of uric acid in the blood) and kidney disease, report investigators.

WASHINGTON – Evidence supporting the renal benefits of urate-lowering therapy in patients with hyperuricemia and gout comes from two…

This is an understatement. Not only does ULT not worsen kidney function, it may well pull stage 3 CKD back from the brink. Stage 4 is probably too late.

Urate-lowering therapy helps chronic kidney disease patients improve organ function

Chronic kidney disease patients who take urate-lowering therapy and achieve target urate levels…