Early Treatment Boosts Long-term Rheumatoid Arthritis Outcomes

Early treatment boosts long-term arthritis outcomes and may be contributing to lower arthritis-related mortality, two new studies suggested.

Good Long-Term Outcomes Seen With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

Early rheumatoid arthritis treatment leads to improvement in long-term outcomes.

Predictors of work disability after start of anti-TNF therapy in a national cohort of Swedish patients with rheumatoid arthritis: does early anti-TNF therapy bring patients back to work?

Objectives To examine predictors of work ability gain and loss after anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) start, respectively, in working-age patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with a special focus on disease duration. Methods Patients with RA, aged 19–62 years, starting their first TNF inhibitor…